V i r
g i n i a R e l a y I n f o r m a t i o n Virginia
Relay is a service that guarantees all citizens full
communications through the telephone. Consumers of these
services, specifically people who are deaf, deaf-blind, hard of
hearing or who have difficulty speaking, can communicate on the
telephone via specialized equipment and services in order to
connect with family, friends or businesses with ease.
Consumers of Virginia Relay can access the relay 24 hours a
day either through a toll-free number or by simply dialing
711. Operators called Communication Assistants (CA)
process calls by voicing everything the TTY user types, and by
typing everything heard from the conventional telephone uer.
For more information on Virginia Relay and how it works,
please click the link below for a PDF explaining the program in
more detail or visit the Virginia Relay website at https://www.varelay.org/
Relay Program Information
For more information regarding
GCR Telecommunications,
contact Glenn Ratliff at
(434)-572-1765 or 800-239-8670 email: gcr@gcrcompany.com