F r e
q u e n t l y A s k e d Q u e s t i o n
So what is a CLEC?
A CLEC is a telephone company
regulated by the same rules and regulations as the local
operating company presently serving the community. It is a Competitive
Local Exchange Carrier in competition with the ILEC
or Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier (usually the
Regional Bell Operating Company (RBOC) or other Independent
Telephone Company such as GTE, ALLTEL etc ). The CLEC offers the
same type of services to its customers as previously provided by
the ILEC.
What is the process of
becoming a CLEC ?
The process is a long and complex
procedure requiring the services of a Regulatory Attorney or
Consultant. The first item required is to file for a CLEC
license from the State Public Utilities Commission within your
operational area. The PUC will require a list of service costs
or Tariff Charges for each service you will provide. The easiest
way to do this is to offer services at a set discount from the
published ILEC list of tariff charges.
Then What?
The next step after you obtain
your CLEC authorization is to file an interconnection agreement
with the local ILEC. This allows the CLEC to connect to
customers via ILEC facilities, often called UNEs or Unbundled
Network Elements. Copies of some completed Interconnection
Agreements are usually available from the ILEC to use as a
guideline for your filing. These are public documents.
How does this all come
After many months of planning,
negotiations with the ILEC (Incumbent Local Exchange
Carrier), testing of equipment and
sometimes luck, the result is a new phone company. This new
company acts as an equal to the existing phone companies and it
is able to obtain products and services from companies like
Sprint, Verizon, and Worldcom at wholesale prices.
Where is GCR in the whole
GCR went before the SCC on
February 23, 2000, and was granted CLEC approval. Since
then, GCR Telecommunications has completed interconnection agreements
with Sprint and Verizon and has established
connectivity to ILEC switches in South Boston, Danville and
Lynchburg. Soon, GCR will be looking to deploy DSL in the
South Boston and Danville areas. GCR has also constructed its
own high speed fiber optic network from its facility to Sprint's
central office in South Boston. An OC-3 is the current
connection between the two facilities and there are unused
strands of fiber for future expansion.
For more information regarding
GCR Telecommunications,
contact Glenn Ratliff at
(434)-572-1765 or 800-239-8670 email: gcr@gcrcompany.com